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Under the current Data Protection and Privacy Legislation, Pleasant Dog Walks would like to reassure you regarding personal data held for you, its purpose, retention and your rights.

Your Data

When joining Pleasant Dog Walks, details were/will be collected on your address, contact details, pet and vet details.
All data collected, whether paper or online, is held securely at a private address. This data is used only for the purpose of proper care of your pets as arranged.
Your data is not shared with anyone else without your prior express consent, and any sharing, on this basis will only be for the purpose of ensuring proper levels of care for your pets as arranged with you.

Where keys are held for your property, these are kept securely, and separately from any identifying data.

Data Retention

Contact and payment data is lawfully retained for 7 years. Any other data will only be held for as long as the service is required.

Your Rights

As the Data Subject, you have the right to access any data held. On request, We will arrange for you to view any data held, within the statutory 30 days. Please contact us directly to do so.

You have the right to update/amend details held. Please do so in writing. An email is sufficient.
Should you decide to discontinue using this service, please advise us directly in writing, and all data will be deleted (or shredded) once it is no longer lawfully required.

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